5 Homemade Cleansers Can Bring Glow to your face

Dust and dirt accumulated on the face can cause problems like pimples, acne and lifeless skin. Therefore, cleanser is very important to remove it.

dust on skin

Nowadays there are many types of cleansers available in the market. But if you want to use natural homemade cleanser without chemicals, then make cleanser at home like this.

      Care of skin

Take raw milk on cotton and apply it on the face. Lactic acid is found in milk, which can help in removing dead skin cells and opening the pores and cleaning them from inside.

Raw milk

Mix 1-1 teaspoon honey and lemon juice well. Then massage your face with it and after 5 to 10 minutes clean your face with lukewarm water.

Honey and lemon

Mash half a cucumber, add 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel to it and then leave it on your face for 5 to 10 minutes. After this clean it with normal water.

Cucumber and Aloe Vera

Make a cup of green tea. Then keep it to cool for some time. After this, apply green tea on your face like a toner with the help of a cotton ball.

Green Tea Cleanser

Take 1 teaspoon baking soda, then prepare a paste by adding water to it. After this, massage your face gently with it for some time. After this, clean the face with lukewarm water.

Baking soda